Kimberly Jones
CEINT Publications
“Nanotechnology: nature's gift or scientists' brainchild?”, Environ. Sci.: Nano, no. 2, pp. 114 - 119, 2015. ,
“Surface modification of porous alumina membranes by collagen layers: Performance and characterization”, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 115, pp. 114 - 122, 2013. ,
“Polyelectrolyte and Silver Nanoparticle Modification of Microfiltration Membranes To Mitigate Organic and Bacterial Fouling”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 4025 - 4033, 2012. ,
“Mechanism of Silver Nanoparticles Action on Insect Pigmentation Reveals Intervention of Copper Homeostasis”, PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 1, p. e53186, 2013. ,
“Surface modification of polyamide nanofiltration membrane by electrostatic self assembly of polyelectrolyte multilayers for selective monovalent ion remvoval”, Howard University 2nd Annual Nanotechnology Symposium, no. 3. Washington, DC, 2008. ,
“Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles in Geochemically Heterogeneous Porous Media: Predicting Affinity from Surface Composition Analysis”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 45, pp. 5209-5215, 2011. ,
“Decreasing Uncertainties in Assessing Environmental Exposure, Risk, and Ecological Implications of Nanomaterials‚”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 43, pp. 6458-6462, 2009. ,