Theme 1. Exposure: Transport and Transformations

Transport and Transformations controlled laboratory experiments elucidate fundamental principles determining nanoparticle (NP) surface chemistry, transport and transformation. Work in Theme 1 provides the foundation for understanding nanomaterial bioavailability, organismal responses, trophic transfer and impacts on ecosystem functions (Themes 2 and 3). Indeed, environmental and physiological transformations must be considered to perform reproducible, meaningful experiments assessing potential exposure and impacts of nanomaterials on organisms and ecosystems. The primary tasks in Theme 1 are to: 1) connect the chemistry and size-effects of NPs to their aggregation state and movement in the environment and, 2) characterize biological and chemical transformations of such materials as a basis for understanding environmental persistence, transport and bioavailability.


Work in Theme 1 provides the foundation for understanding nanomaterial bioavailability, organismal responses, trophic transfer and impacts on ecosystem functions (Themes 2 and 3). Indeed, environmental and physiological transformations must be considered to perform reproducible, meaningful experiments assessing potential exposure and impacts of nanomaterials on organisms and ecosystems.

Selected Publications

N. K. Geitner, Bossa, N. , and Wiesner, M. R. , Formulation and Validation of a Functional Assay-Driven Model of Nanoparticle Aquatic Transport, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019.
B. P. Espinasse, Geitner, N. K. , Schierz, A. , Therezien, M. , Richardson, C. J. , Lowry, G. V. , Ferguson, L. , and Wiesner, M. R. , Comparative Persistence of Engineered Nanoparticles in a Complex Aquatic Ecosystem, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018.
N. K. Geitner, O’Brien, N. J. , Turner, A. A. , Cummins, E. J. , and Wiesner, M. R. , Measuring Nanoparticle Attachment Efficiency in Complex Systems, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017.
M. E. Vance, Pegues, V. , Van Montfrans, S. , Leng, W. , and Marr, L. C. , Aerosol emissions from fuse-deposition modeling 3D printers in a chamber and in real indoor environments, Environmental Science and TechnologyEnvironmental Science and Technology, vol. 51, pp. 9516-9523, 2017.
X. Gao, Spielman-Sun, E. , Rodrigues, S. M. , Casman, E. A. , and Lowry, G. V. , Time and Nanoparticle Concentration Affect the Extractability of Cu from CuO NP-Amended Soil, Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & Technology, 2017.
C. Jiang, Castellon, B. T. , Matson, C. W. , Aiken, G. R. , and Hsu-Kim, H. , Relative contributions of copper oxide nanoparticles and dissolved copper to Cu uptake kinetics of Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) embryos, Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & Technology, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 1395-1404, 2017.
J. H. Bisesi, Jr., Robinson, S. E. , Lavelle, C. M. , Ngo, T. , Castillo, B. , Crosby, H. , Liu, K. , Das, D. , Plazas-Tuttle, J. , Saleh, N. B. , Ferguson, P. L. , Denslow, N. D. , and Sabo-Attwood, T. , Influence of the Gastrointestinal Environment on the Bioavailability of Ethinyl Estradiol Sorbed to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Environ Sci TechnolEnviron Sci Technol, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 948-957, 2017.
D. Wang, Wang, Z. , Lee, A. , Marr, L. C. , Heflin, J. R. , and Xu, Y. , Highly sensitive nano-aerosol detection based on the whispering-gallery-mode in cylindrical optical fiber resonators, Aerosol Science and TechnologyAerosol Science and Technology, vol. 50, pp. 1366-1374, 2016.
P. A. Holden, Gardea-Torresdey, J. L. , Klaessig, F. , Turco, R. F. , Mortimer, M. , Hund-Rinke, K. , Hubal, E. A. Cohen, Avery, D. , Barcelo, D. , Behra, R. , Cohen, Y. , Deydier-Stephan, L. , Ferguson, P. L. , Fernandes, T. F. , B. Harthorn, H. , Henderson, W. M. , Hoke, R. A. , Hristozov, D. , Johnston, J. M. , Kane, A. B. , Kapustka, L. , Keller, A. A. , Lenihan, H. S. , Lovell, W. , Murphy, C. J. , Nisbet, R. M. , Petersen, E. J. , Salinas, E. R. , Scheringer, M. , Sharma, M. , Speed, D. E. , Sultan, Y. , Westerhoff, P. , White, J. C. , Wiesner, M. R. , Wong, E. M. , Xing, B. , M. Horan, S. , Godwin, H. A. , and Nel, A. E. , Considerations of Environmentally Relevant Test Conditions for Improved Evaluation of Ecological Hazards of Engineered Nanomaterials, Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & TechnologyEnviron Sci Technol, vol. 50, pp. 6124-45, 2016.
N. K. Geitner, Marinakos, S. M. , Guo, C. , O’Brien, N. , and Wiesner, M. R. , Nanoparticle Surface Affinity as a Predictor of Trophic Transfer, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 6663 - 6669, 2016.
