CEINT in the Media
NanoWerk | 07.30.2013
Release of silver from nanotechnology-based products for children
AZoNano | 04.30.2013
Assessing the Environmental Impact of Silver Nanoparticles: An Interview with Ben Colman
RTI International | 04.25.2013
CEINT external archiving partner Nanomaterial Registry press release
Minnesoda Public Radio News | 03.12.2013
Nanowerk | 02.27.2013
Silver nanoparticles used in consumer products may adversely affect environment
Orion Magazine | 01.02.2013
Wired News | 08.23.2012
Outside | 06.20.2012
The Not-So-Silver Lining of Your Anti-Microbial Outdoor Apparel
Chemical Watch | 06.19.2012
Researchers investigate fate of engineering nano silver in natural ecosystems
ChemicalWatch | 04.25.2012
Journal of Environmental Monitoring Blog | 03.23.2012
Radio In Vivo | 02.22.2012
NY Times | 01.25.2012
With Prevalence of Nanomaterials Rising, Panel Urges Review of Risks
Science | 01.06.2012
C&E News | 12.19.2011