Research Experience for Undergraduates | 2013 REU Fellows

Why CEINT? From our REU students & interns:

Elizabeth Mohr

Rising Junior
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Earth Science
Washington University in St. Louis
CEINT Research Site: CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France

The CEINT REU Program was an extraodinary way to get exposure to the lifestyle of a laboratory researcher. It was so rewarding to be able to delve into such a specific and interesting area of study, and to work on a project with important environmental implications. I also very much enjoyed witnessing the immensely interdiscplinary nature of the research being done by CEINT, and meeting highly talented professionals and peers along the way. Lastly, living and working in France was a truly incredible and valuable cultural experience that I am so fortunate to have had.

Career Impacts and Plans

The experiences I had during the CEINT REU program furthered my desire to attend graduate school, and also solidified my interest in research and careers with an environmental focus. I think the program has also provided me with a set of tools that will aid me in any future studies or careers I choose to pursue.