Research Experience for Undergraduates | 2011 REU Fellows

Why CEINT? From our REU students & interns:

Karen Yu

Rising Senior
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
CEINT Research Site: Hsu-Kim Lab- Duke University

A research experience with CEINT would be an excellent opportunity to prepare for graduate school by gaining more research experience. I am certain I want to work in some field related to environmental protection, but I am undecided about which area of environmental engineering I would like to focus on in graduate school. One way to find out would be to participate in different kinds of research projects as an undergraduate so that I could find out what interests me most. Additionally, participating in research at a different university would offer a different perspective and further help me in determining my future direction. At CMU, I've worked on a surface chemistry/transport project and a microbiology project. I'm hoping to do something a bit different at Duke so that I have a better idea of the different research fields in environmental engineering.