Surface reactivity, dissolution and speciation of silver nanomaterials in redox gradients
Monday, September 20, 2010
Helen Hsu-Kim
Please join us on Monday, September 20th at 12:00pm to hear a presentation by Helen Hsu-Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering. Title: "Surface reactivity, dissolution and speciation of silver nanomaterials in redox gradients” In this talk, Helen Hsu-Kim will discuss her group’s recent work to understand the effects of metal-binding natural organic acids on the surface chemistry and transformation of silver nanomaterials. She will also discuss efforts to assess how silver nanomaterials alter redox gradients at the sediment-water interface of wetland mesocosms. The seminar will take place in 1441 CIEMAS (to the left of Schiciano A & B) at 12:00pm.