Portal to the Public: An NSF - funded training initiative jointly sponsored by the Pacific Science Center, and the Museum of Life and Science
Monday, March 8, 2010
In support of an important strategic goal of CEINT- to provide accurate, informative and useful information to educate the public about CEINT’s research and risk assessment initiatives, we are pleased to announce a special CEINT Seminar to be held Monday, March 8th, in 208 Hudson Hall from 11:45am-1:15pm.
Lunch will be served at 11:30am in 208 Hudson Hall.
Title: Portal to the Public: An NSF- funded training initiative jointly sponsored by the Pacific Science Center, Seattle, Washington and the Museum of Life and Science, Durham, N.C.
Presenter: Larry Boles, Manager for Public Science Engagement Museum of Life and Science, Durham, N.C.
Description: The Museum of Life and Science, Durham NC has partnered with the Pacific Science Center, Seattle Washington through a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop models to engage scientists and the public in face-to-face interactions that promote appreciation and understanding of current scientific research and its application. This workshop will focus on the nature of learning science in informal settings and how researchers can effectively engage the public. Additionally, the presenter will be available to consult with CEINT researchers about activities or presentations they plan to use during NanoDays 2010.