Research Experience for Undergraduates | 2015 REU Fellows

2015 REU Students

Why CEINT? From our REU students & interns:

Jonathan Vardner

Rising Senior
Chemical Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
CEINT Research Site: Dr. Mark Wiesner’s lab, Duke University

The CEINT REU program offered me the opportunity to engage in an original research project pertaining to the use of membranes for water treatment. I worked with a professor and graduate student, each of whom encouraged me to think critically, work independently, and make significant contributions in the lab. Alongside research, CEINT organized guest lectures, group meetings, and a tour of the EPA. From these events, I gained perspective on the role of my research in CEINT’s long-term goals. I had a great experience as an REU student with CEINT, and I feel very fortunate to have participated in this program.

Career Impacts

CEINT reinforced my passion for research and reaffirmed my decision to pursue graduate school. Over the summer, I learned the undertakings of a doctoral candidate, and therefore, I feel prepared to attend graduate school after participating in this program. Furthermore, graduate and postdoctoral students shared their experiences and offered me advice to succeed as a researcher. The CEINT REU program helped to shape my path for graduate school and had a profound impact on my ambitions in life.