Center-wide CEINT REU program funded by NSF
December 12, 2010
CEINT has been award funding from the National Science Foundation to create a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program beginning summer 2011. This summer research experience for undergraduates will allow students to focus on research organized across a comprehensive, interdisciplinary effort to examine the environmental implications of nanotechnology with a focus on exposure, transport, fate, and transformation; understanding the effects of nanoparticles in complex, real-world environments; and translating this research into the language of risk assessment to inform decision-making.

2010 CEINT summer interns set-up a mesocosms experiment.
Participating REU sites include Duke, Carnegie Mellon and Virginia Tech Universities as well as the European Center for Research and Education in Geosciences and the Environment (CEREGE) in Aix-en-Provence, France. Through this network of multi-site researchers, students will learn about evolving parameters for comparative international studies and engage in multi-university, global research experiences.
PI Dr. Lee Ferguson, Associate Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering- Pratt School of Engineering and Nicolas School of the Environment and Co-PI, Dr. Glenda Kelly, Associate Director for Assessment and Outreach will co-lead this program.
For more information, visit research experience for undergraduates.